Friday, October 17, 2008

Bargain Basement

The massive lows of late mean bargain basement prices for long-term investors. The problem is that fear could drive another 20% drop, and who wants to jump into that? For the brave however -- those that feel that they can catch flying knives -- here are some picks that seem like attractive values:

High Yield
  • E - Eni @ 38.5 - 9.88% div - found large deep sea oil field off of Angola - 0.5 book
  • BCS - Barclays @ 17.3 - 9.88% div - supported by UK government; picked up scraps of Lehman - 0.7 book
  • PCU - Southern Pacific Copper @ 11.5 - 20% div - commodity darling fallen victim to hedge fund unwinding - 2.5 book
  • RIO - Vale @ 11.1 - 2% div - near monopoly on iron, though there is plenty of iron on earth
  • MCHP - Microchip @ 22.8 - 5.8% div - PIC controller maker; offer to acquire Atmel AVR and ARM chip line - 4.6 book
  • NYX - NYSE Euronext @ 27.7 - 4.33% div - completed acquisition of of AMEX, 3rd largest option market - 0.7 book - Warning: Cramer's 2007 loser is down 75% and NDAQ is stealing trade share.
Blue Chips
  • SPY @ 90 - 3%
  • CVX - Chevron @ 60 - 4.33% div - 1.5 book
  • KO - Coca Cola @ 44.2 - 3.44% div - 4.4 book
  • MMM - 3M @ 54.7 - 3.66% div - 3.0 book
Concerns: global slowdown, plummeting profits, dividends slashed, general misery... Remember that Cash is King!

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